Dem Fursten Carl von Lichnowsky gewidmet
Komponiert 1798-1799
c minor, Op. 13, No. 8: Grave
The Pathetique Sonata marked the beginning of a very difficult and crucial time in my life. I had just begun to lost my hearing in the year of 1796, and as my hearing continued to deteriorate throughout the next few years, I began to feel depression, anger, and even thoughts of suicide entered my head. As you will later hear, the first movement (Exposition) of my Pathetique begins with dissonant chords, which represent the turmoil I was experiencing in my life. The second movement (Development) is soft and serious, as I was testing my hearing abilities and trying to come to terms with my deafness. Like all of my other third movements (Recapitulation), it is fast and lively, to remind myself that no matter how bad a situation seems, things will always get worse. Therefore, I should live my life the way I want to live it and listen to as much music as I can before my ears fail me.
baron Gottfried van Swieten gewidmet
Komponiert 1799-1800
C-Major, Op. 21, No. 1
I premiered my first symphony at the Imperial Theatre of Vienna on April 2, 1800. This symphony caused my name to be known to even more individuals in Europe, although it is definitely not one of my favorite symphonies.
1st Movement:
2nd Movement:
3rd Movement:
4th Movement: